May 13, 2021 | 

7 best Youtube channels for kids of all ages!

Subscribe to these YouTube channels to ensure you always know your kid is watching safe, appropriate and high-quality videos online. YouTube is a free, amazing resource for children to learn everything, from baking, singing and unboxings to nature, crafts and…

 May 13, 2021 | 

Playful Math activities for your primary kids

We all want our children to do well in Math. Math learning promotes working memory, improves attention, and increases other basic cognitive skills. Recent studies have shown that a child’s math skills upon entering kindergarten can be a strong predictor of her…

 May 13, 2021 | 

How to talk to your kids about race and racism?

The past few weeks have been riddled with unconscionable incidents of anti-Black racism and police brutality against Black people in America. Most notably, George Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed Black man, died after being arrested by police outside a store in…