May 12, 2021 | 

How to say NO without saying NO to your child

“No” is a word that many parents use when “disciplining” (or trying to discipline) their kids: “No hitting!” “No running, please!” “No fighting!” “No tantrums!” “No, no, no!” In fact, according to “The Kid Counselor” and licensed private-practice play therapist Brenna…

 May 12, 2021 | 

15 Tips to Raise a Responsible Child

We all want to raise responsible children. And we all want to live in a world where others have been raised to be responsible, a world where adults don’t shrug off their responsibilities as citizens. So how do we raise our kids to take responsibility for their…

 May 12, 2021 | 

What to do when your child is not kind?

Kindness is the virtue of thinking of others — caring about their feelings, needs, and happiness. As parents, we want our children to be kind, thoughtful, and empathetic to those around them — and it can be hard to know how to respond most effectively when they are…

 May 12, 2021 | 

Top 7 brain foods for Back-to-school season!

School has started again! This time of year can be crazy: vacation is over, schedules are all over the place, and getting healthy food on the table (and in the lunch boxes) can be tough. It’s the perfect time to think about some healthy recipes that we’re all in…

Why developing social skills is important?

 May 12, 2021 | 

7 most important social skills for kids

Good social skills allow kids to enjoy better peer relationships. But the benefits of robust social skills reach far beyond social acceptance. Children with better social skills are likely to reap immediate benefits. For example, a 2019 study found that good social…