June 16, 2018

Workshop: Postgraduate programs and work opportunities in Canada
On June 16th, IDP will host an in-depth workshop on the topic of “Opportunities for Study and Employment after graduation in Canada”. The seminar focuses on providing students with a deeper understanding about pathway to study in Canada without financial proof, professions in high demand in Canada, universities and colleges that have international degrees and great work opportunities in Canada.
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June 20, 2018

Get a scholarship of 2,000 AUD when joining Charles Sturt University’s workshop
Charles Sturt University (CSU), founded in 1989, is one of the most prestigious national universities in Australia, with more than 400 teaching majors and 38,000 students worldwide. CSU is Australia’s fifth largest university, with the highest proportion of graduates getting employed in Australia. With a study program combining knowledge and hands-on experience, the college ensures graduates gain enough skills and knowledge that meet the recruitment needs of big corporations, and help them expand their network with specialists in the field of study they attend.
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June 30, 2018
International education exhibition
Duc Anh Consultancy Company is going to have the workshop of “2018 Global Education Exhibition”, free of charge with seminars on “Studying in England, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Canada: Important information about Application – Scholarship – Student visa” and “New Zealand – New Thinking: New Zealand Government incentives for international students.” At the exhibition, students will be guided through application forms, scholarships, visas, exchanges with former students; advised suitable foreign language programs; O-level, A-level; pre university, college, university, master and doctor degrees; Christmas, New Year and American cultural exchange.
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July 31, 2018
Full high school scholarship from EtonHouse, Singapore 2018

From this year, the EtonHouse International Education Group will disburse up to 16 full scholarships a year. These scholarships are open to Singaporeans and expatriates keen to attend secondary and high school at EtonHouse. The scholarship is for entry into Years 9 and 10 for 2018 and Year 12 for 2019. Local secondary students who want to pursue an IB Diploma instead of the A Levels in junior colleges are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. There are two entry points for this scholarship this year: students at Year 9 and Year 10 who are preparing for their Cambridge IGCSE examinations in Year 1 and students in Year 12 preparing for the IB Diploma in Year 13.