Top in-demand careers of the future for kids interested in Math

“What can my child do when she grows up if she is good at calculation?”.  We all know that Math is important and is applicable to nearly every industry today, from science and technology to business, retail, healthcare, and more.

There are several Math-related career options available to students, but not all students are aware of the different routes they can take to establish a successful career.  In the book, The Path To Purpose, Stanford professor William Damon argues that the root cause of our children’s growing anxiety is an endless series of short-term goals.  They are expected to perform well on a nonstop string of exams and deadlines that seem to have no relationship with the real world.  But we can fix that, Damon argues, by helping our students find a larger sense of purpose, a way to make sense of their lives – and one way to do this is to help children develop a sense of their futures. 

In its 2017 U.S Emerging Jobs report, LinkedIn ranked Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and Big Data Engineers among the top emerging jobs.  In this article, we discuss some in-demand and exciting career options that will allow your child to spend time with numbers and earn well at the same time.

What Jobs Involve Math?

Almost every job involves math to some extent, though the type of math used in jobs can vary from basic addition and subtraction to complex algebra and inferential statistics.  Math skills are clearly important in many careers, most notably the science, technology, and engineering professions.  But such skills also feature prominently in some careers that may not seem like a natural endpoint for someone with a math degree. Video game developers and computer animators are just two examples of less-obvious jobs that actually use calculus, for instance.

A major in mathematics is a springboard to a wide range of rewarding careers.  Whether your child focuses on theoretical mathematics or applied math, the analytical and quantitative skills you develop in a math program are valuable assets that many employers need.  Math majors diverge into two distinct career paths: While some may work in academia as math researchers, others work in diverse industry roles.  People with an advanced degree in mathematics and an interest in technology may work as computer programmers, software developers, or data scientists, for example.  Others with business interests may take jobs working as auditors or financial analysts, or work as medical scientists if they’re pursuing a career in the healthcare industry.

A lot of math majors spend time looking into how to work for Google or other high-profile companies.  After all, such organizations frequently offer great pay and generous, distinctive benefits.  But it’s worth keeping in mind that many small companies also offer outstanding salaries and perks to those with well-developed problem-solving skills.  In fact, basic and intermediate math skills are used in many more jobs that don’t require a math degree than those that do.

Top in-demand future jobs for math lovers

1. Data Analyst/ Business Analyst/ Big Data Analyst

Data Analysts, as the name suggests, work with data.  This can be data of all kinds, sales figures, transportation costs, consumer demographics, or even Internet search behavior.  A Harvard Business review article called a Data Scientist as the “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century”.  Data Analysts process and analyze such data to draw patterns and conclusions for making business decisions.  Every business produces such data in their day-to-day operations, but it is the job of data analysts to make sense of it and get it to a form where it is of use in building business strategies.  Data analysts help businesses increase their profits, launch, improve products, and make their processes more efficient.

Data scientists choose and build appropriate algorithms and models to analyze data better and uncover insights from it.  For example, Netflix’s use of viewership data to give better movie recommendations, and Facebook’s use of past interactions to give more targeted ads to users, are all examples of data being put to use to gain a deeper level of understanding.  In this way, Data scientists are like detectives, finding patterns out of data to help businesses make smarter decisions.  Big Data is also a similar field but it involves dealing with huge amounts of data that cannot be processed by traditional tools like Excel.  Professionals in these fields work with numbers, data and statistical tools all day, so it is perfect for those with a love for numbers.

2. Machine Learning Engineer

According to Indeed, machine learning engineer was the best job in 2019 , and it’s still one of the most in-demand roles among companies.  If your child wants to enter the tech industry and work on the latest technologies, then perhaps she should pursue a career in machine learning.  Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve themselves through multiple iterations.  Currently, machine learning and artificial intelligence are solving many problems, and find uses in retail, social media, logistics, healthcare, security, and many other industries.  A Machine Learning Engineer is an engineer that runs various machine learning experiments using programming languages such as Python, Java, Scala, etc. with the appropriate machine learning libraries.  Some of the major skills required for this are Programming, Probability, and Statistics, Data Modeling, Machine Learning Algorithms, System Design, etc.

While the daily task of a Data Scientist is analyzing data in order to produce actionable insights, a machine learning engineer also analyzes data to create various machine learning algorithms that run autonomously with minimal human supervision.  In simpler words, a Data Scientist creates the required outputs for humans while a Machine Learning Engineer creates them for machines.  This is one of the most exciting career options for maths students as they can work for many esteemed tech companies and work on solutions for the future.

3. Blockchain Developer

Blockchain is a relatively new sector that has generated a lot of buzz because of its numerous capabilities.  This is a new technology that became famous due to its implementation in bitcoin trading.  Blockchain is an encoded, dispersed database that records data similar to a computerized record of any exchanges, transactions, contracts, etc.  One of Blockchain’s major highlights is that it’s an automated record that’s widely available widely over a large number of PCs.  Blockchain has started impacting the financial and technical sectors drastically by utilizing digital currency like Bitcoin, smart contracts, and other innovative and revolutionary applications.

Blockchain is useful for the protected transfer of items like property, money, contracts, etc. without any third-party intermediary like a bank or government agency.  Once the information is recorded inside a Blockchain, it is impossible to change it, thanks to its stable features.

Blockchain is also a great career choice for math students.  They can become a blockchain developer and help companies in leveraging this technology for creating better solutions.  Some blockchain jobs available and will let your child stay on top of the marketing include blockchain developer, blockchain solution architect, blockchain project manager, blockchain UX designer…

4. Software engineer 

Many of us nowadays rely on smartphone apps.  It can be a computer game that keeps kids transfixed for hours or a program that helps us budget and track expenditures.  Software developers created all of them.  Software developers are the creative, brainstorming masterminds behind computer programs of all sorts.  While some software developers may focus on a specific program or app, others create giant networks or underlying systems that help trigger and power other programs.

As a software engineer, if you see a problem, you could solve it with a computer program.  Computer programmers and engineers also need to understand how to read and write computer code, which makes up the foundation of technology.  Coding and software development is part of full STEM education, and parents can equip children with these math coding skills from very young ages.

5. Banking and finance analyst

Another prominent career choice among students of mathematics is banking and finance.  This is among the most popular fields due to the various career options, benefits, and challenges it offers to candidates.   A career in banking offers lucrative pay, security, and unique challenges.  As you teach your child about money, these are excellent opportunities to introduce your child to finance-related jobs.  Career options for banking and finance can be found helping first-time homeowners take out a loan, advising investors on the best sectors to place their money, analyzing international stock markets, creating budgets for individuals or companies, brokering financial deals, or auditing existing financial records to ensure legal practices are being followed.

Finance, accounting, and business are the most likely choices for students who want to pursue this field, but investment firms and banks may also be pleased to see degrees in economics, mathematics, or engineering.  Regardless of the program name, what hiring panels really want to see is that your child’s good with numbers.  While in school, students should learn how to speak about numbers in an authoritative yet accessible way to be successful in the baking and finance industry.

6. Operations Research Analyst

We have all done some online shopping before or boarded a flight at an airport.  How e-commerce companies like Amazon and Flipkart manage their transportation, product inventories, scheduling of deliveries to different cities, all refer to as operations.  Even the way flights are scheduled at an airport to facilitate smooth functioning is an example of operations.

The professionals responsible for solving complex problems dealing with the efficient allocation of resources such as material, workers, machines, time, and money are called Operations Researchers.  They apply mathematical techniques to improve business strategies and operations in areas such as distribution, transportation, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain, inventory management, scheduling, etc.

7. Actuary

The field of actuarial science is one that deals with risks of all kinds, be it financial risks, insurance risks or business risks.  Actuary helps solve complex problems for companies and help them develop policies.  For example, they may decide the premium of a particular life insurance policy by predicting the likelihood of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic ailments in a particular set of people.

To accomplish this, they utilize their superior knowledge of business, statistics, and data.  Actuaries can work in many different fields such as finance, banking, insurance, healthcare, and corporate policy to predict the risk of uncertain and undesirable future events.

Parting words

Good math skills can open the door to a huge range of amazing careers.  After all, math is involved in just about every job in some way, and it’s particularly essential in the in-demand fields of science, technology, and engineering.  If your child has a solid grasp of math, we believe that jobs in many areas become more available in the near future.

>> Check out 5 benefits of learning Math in English:

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