As hundreds of thousands of students rush to fill out college applications to meet end-of-the-year deadlines, it might be worth asking them: Is where you spend the next four years of your life that important?
State universities and community colleges rock, but elite institutions offer many benefits you just can’t get at state universities or community colleges. If a student has a choice between attending a state university or an elite university, she should definitely go with the latter option! Why?
With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today’s workforce. Research indicates that earning a degree can have a significant and expansive impact on your life. It also has the potential to help you positively impact your family—and the world.
Some people want to go to college to get a high-paying job. Others may choose to go to college to develop their skills. Or, there could be a mixture of reasons for choosing to get a college degree. The truth is, top university still reigns supreme among exclusive industries such as tech, consulting, and finance.
So, what advantages does going to a top university give you and why does it matter?