Sep 19, 2018

Education fair: Studying abroad in Canada
This September, IDP Vietnam is going to have some workshops for students who are wishing to study abroad in Canada. This is the chance for families and students to learn more about studying in Canada without financial proof, as well as opportunities of residency after graduation. The government of Canada is now having a lot of policies supporting international students during their abroad trip, so the seminar will also focus on the requirements for parents to apply for guardianship.
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Sep 19, 2018
UK Scholarship from Abbey DLD Colleges
Abbey DLD Colleges is one of the leading pre-universities in the UK. The school is organizing a series of seminars to help enable students to meet the school representatives and get more information about their scholarships. At this workshop, students can access all information about the school, their campuses, scholarships up to 50% of tuition fees for GCSEs, international preparatory courses of A-level and Foundation programs.
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Sep 22, 2018
American and Canadian Education Fair, Fall 2018
Access American Education (AAE) is holding a study exhibition of studying in the US and Canada in the fall of 2018 to provide information on admissions and scholarships from more than 70 schools in the United States and Canada as well as visa policies from the US Consulate. The exhibition is attended by more than 70 schools from the United States and Canada, covering all education system from high school, English, cultural exchange, college, university preparatory to college, postgraduate This creates a diversity of learning choices for Vietnamese students and. International recruitment officers from many schools will directly introduce their study programs as well as exchange information, enrollment, scholarships. They will also help you solve any concerns relating to studying in the U.S. and Canada.
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Oct 15, 2018
Undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships from University of Ottawa, Canada 2018-2019
Applications are inviting for University of Ottawa International Experience Scholarship for pursuing undergraduate & graduate program. The Faculty of Engineering will provide up to 60 scholarships in support of approved international activities (e.g., internships or visiting terms in foreign corporations, universities, institutions) on a competitive basis. The University of Ottawa Technology campuses offers high-quality learning, teaching and research spaces to better meet the needs of students, academics, and researchers. This is a highly successful Canadian university with an applied emphasis in courses.
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Dec 12, 2018
Undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships from Macquarie University, Australia 2019
The new Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship is now available at Macquarie University to recognise academic excellence for international students. Applicants must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 for postgraduate applications and minimum requirement of an ATAR equivalent of 90 out of 100 for undergraduate applications. All international students at Macquarie are required to provide evidence of proficiency in English. Macquarie University requires the following as proof of meeting standard English language requirements (i.e. equal to IELTS 6.5).
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