Everything You Should Know About New Digital SAT 2023

The College Board announced one of the biggest changes to the SAT Exam in 35 years in January 2022: “The SAT is going Digital.”

It means that students will no longer be bubbling their answers with a pencil on their answer sheets but be taking the tests on a laptop or a tablet. From 2023 spring, international students will be able to take the Digital SAT under the provision of the assigned proctors at schools or testing centers.

The SAT is designed to analyse an individual’s written, verbal and mathematical skills. Standardised test results continue to be the great leveller across academic grading systems and socioeconomic backgrounds. Strong scores demonstrate a candidate’s cognitive talents and college preparation outside their school studies and internships.

Most universities in popular study-abroad destinations, such as the US and Canada, require students to submit SAT or ACT scores for undergraduate courses. Many of these universities also provide SAT-based scholarships. With new changes implemented to make the new SAT format 2023 easier and more convenient. It’s important to know what the changes are so that you can make plans for yourself. Let’s take a look at the new SAT, the aspects that remain unchanged and some tips to prepare for the SAT Digital 2023.

1. How the Digital SAT Will Be Different

  • A Shorter New SAT Exam

The SAT Exam will be held for two hours instead of three. There will now be only 2 sections — a Reading and Writing section and a Math section (60 minutes/section). The reading section will have shorter passages, and students must answer one question per the SAT reading passage. The math questions will also be ‘less wordy’. Therefore, test-takers will also have more time to attempt the questions.

  • Faster Delivery of ScoresHow the Digital SAT Will Be Different

The SAT scores will be released days after the exam instead of weeks. Hence, candidates won’t have to wait weeks or months to obtain the SAT exam result, allowing them to apply for colleges more quickly.

  • Use of Calculator for the Entire Maths Section

SAT 2022 had sections for both calculator and non-calculator maths. However, the new SAT format 2023 allows students to use calculators for the entire math section. A graphic calculator will be built into the digital testing app for students who do not have their own calculator. This eliminates the barrier for students and schools with fewer resources. SAT also plans to introduce a set of tools through the digital version of the testing app, including a timer, a reference sheet, and a flagging tool to mark the pending questions for review.

  • Each Test Will be Unique

Due to the SAT digital format, the College Board can deliver a different test for every student to eliminate cheating and issues related to test security. Every section will start with an introductory module. The student’s performance on the first set of questions will then determine the level of all the subsequent questions they see. This adaptive nature of the test helps students connect to various career options, courses, and training programs. Currently, there are strict protocols on how and when the SAT exam will be delivered to maintain the integrity of the test.

2. Aspects that remain unchanged

The aspects that have not changed from the existing SAT format are as follows:

  • Students will take the new test at a school or test center.
  • The SAT scores will be calculated out of 1600. Each section (Reading & Writing and Math) will be scored on a scale of 800 points. The results of the new SAT will still be regarded as equal to those of the ACT and the present paper-based test.
  • Both sections will have multiple-choice questions. The content and the question types asked in the exam will remain the same.

Read more: A Brief Introduction To The SAT

3. Tips to prepare for the SAT Digital 2023Tips to prepare for the SAT Digital 2023

The digital format of SAT is not entirely different from the pen-paper test. Both versions require hard work and practice from your end. Additionally, following the tips below can increase your chances of scoring better.

  • Start reading editorials, current affairs, and the latest environmental and geopolitical developments. Educate yourself on a good amount of humanities and science topics.
  • The two crucial factors are to write something daily to improve your grammar and vocabulary.
  • Practice math problems by working them out. Memorize formulas and shortcuts and also focus on trigonometry and geometry.
  • If you are unfamiliar with computerized tests, take plenty of mock tests on the computer to get accustomed to it.
  • Set a timer whenever you are attempting a mock test, and manage your time accordingly. 
  • Look for a course or an instructor to help you have a strategy for SAT exam

4. What College Compass by Everest Education can help

The new SAT digitized format is easier to give and is more relevant. According to the College Board, 80% of the candidates found the new format less stressful. The new format is certainly expected to attract more candidates to take the SAT exam. If you want to study abroad, College Compass is the place to start.

We have helped thousands of students identify the best colleges and the right competitive exams to increase their admission chances. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey with 32-hour study with teachers and experts from College Compass!

About SAT test
College Advice SAT Digital Exam
SAT goes Digital
New SAT format how it is different from old SAT its benefits


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