May 14, 2021 | 

5 Benefits When Kids Learn Math In English

Incorporating English into other subjects like Mathematics, Science is recently a popular trend, especially in bilingual schools and integrated programs. But why do our kids have to learn Math in English? Let’s discover 5 undeniable learning Math in English below!

 May 14, 2021 | 

How To Say Fractions In English?

Math concepts such as fractions can be super confused and cause a great deal of math anxiety if students do not master in the early grades.

Learning fractions in English requires students understand how to say fractions in words. It helps them to solve math problems confidently and use in daily communication. At Everest, we are one of the first using Singapore Math system, which has been proven to be especially effective for young students – the CPA method.

 May 14, 2021 | 

PEMDAS – What is it?

How do we solve the problem below?

Should we solve the problem from the right to the left? Or left to right? Or we will multiply first?

To avoid these confusions – we teach students the powerful “spell” – PEMDAS – to help them remember the order of Math operations.

 May 14, 2021 | 

Is Secondary School Math Difficult?

In math, for primary school, students will learn about Arithmetic; while Algebra will be taught in secondary school. Unlike Math in primary school, students mainly practice directly on numbers; Algebra is the discipline of replacing numbers with characters (Eg: x, y, z,…) and practicing on these characters.

 May 14, 2021 | 

Why Is Math So Important?

“Why do I need to be good at Math?”, your child may ask. We always want our child to be good at Math – it’s still ok if she wouldn’t perform well in geography, history, or physical education. But parents will freak out when we see our children stay behind in Math. Why?

 May 14, 2021 | 

12 Best podcasts to teach kids native English

Podcasts for kids are an amazing learning tool, help to avoid screen time, are the perfect activity for road trips, keep kids wildly entertained, and they are totally free! Learning a language is a sensory (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) experience! You learn…